Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tuesday 24th March - Easter Camp meeting at 20:00

Hi everyone,

as Easter is getting closer and closer we need to sort out the specifics of our camp - food, tentage, transport, who's coming, etc.

We will be having a meeting solely about this at 20:00 this Tuesday, March 24th, in the Den. Everyone planning to be on the camp should be at this meeting.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Venture Challenge 2009 - for the attention of all V5 members

Hi guys,

I found this information about the Venture Challenge 2009 - - and I think every V5 member should at least consider this, as it would be excellent training for anyone considering the Explorer Belt in 2010.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

V5 Summer Trip - June 2009

The departure date for V5's first real summer activity has been set as Monday 22nd June - the week just after the Leaving Cert exams finish. At present it looks like the destination will be Connemara, though the details are as yet undecided.

The trip will last between 7 and 10 days (TBA), and will consist mainly of walking and camping. It is intended that at least one night will be spent in a hostel along the way, and if possible we will try to fit some surfing into the programme depending on the price.

Edinburgh - August 2009

The dates for the V5 trip to Edinburgh have been set for Saturday 22nd to Tuesday 25th August. Each Venture is to book his or her own flights, and details of flight times etc. can be sought from Evelyn. A decision will be made closer to the time about a hostel for the duration of our stay there. More information is to follow in coming months.

Congratulations to Paul Duggan

While most members of V5 are former members of one of the two Scout Troops occassionally we get a recruit without a Scouting background. Paul is among our newest members, and he received his first necker, a red 5th Port one, on the day of the Sugar Loaf hike. We are thrilled to have him in the group.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sugar Loaf Hike

We met in town on Sunday 8th March at 09:45, and took a bus out to Kilmacanogue. Got out there about 11:15, and headed straight up the road towards the base of the Sugar Loaf.

Though it had been sunny when we'd started we were covered by cloud at one stage and hit hard by snow and sleet, which forced up to stop due to poor visibility and high winds.

When it cleared we made it to the summit, where we had lunch.

Then we headed back down, caught a bus from Kilmacanogue and went back to town.